Английский, 7 заданий
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы16325
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.4
Оглавление"I. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What was the boy interested in?
2. Which of Faraday's discoveries do you know?

1. Michael Faraday, English experimental physicist, was born in 1791 in a poor family. The boy began to work as an apprentice at a bookbinder's shop at an early age. One day a man entered the shop and found the boy studying an article on electricity. The man was surprised to see a boy so interested in such a difficult subject and gave him four tickets for the lectures at the Royal Institutions.
2. The boy went to the lectures and made notes of what he heard. At the end of the lecture he came to Sir Humphry Davy, the great English scientist, and showed him his notes. Davy was surprised. Later he made Faraday his assistant and helped him in his education.
3. Faraday had many important discoveries. Among his works are the concept of the magnetic field and the magnetic ""lines of force"", production of new kinds of optical glass, and research on electrolysis.
4. Faraday produced the first mechanical motion by means of a permanent magnet and an electric current. This is the principle upon which the modern electric motor is based.
5. Faraday was very modest and he loved his work more than honours. He refused to become President of the Royal Society and also refused to be knighted.

II. Переведите текст в письменной форме.
III. Составьте три общих и три специальных вопроса к тексту.
IV. Заполните пропуски соответствующей активной или пассивной формой глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. The unit of electricity “farad” … after M. Faraday.
2. The first lighting rod … by B. Franklin, the outstanding American scientist.
3. At Cambridge, Newton …with great interest the writing of Galeleo.
V. Определите функции инфинитива и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. In 1810 Faraday began to attend lectures on natural philosophy.
2. To study the nature of light and color Newton carried out many experiments with a prism.
3. The lecture to be delivered by a well-know scientist is devoted to the problems of ecology.
VI. Поставьте глагол-сказуемое предложения в Future Indefinite Tense (будущее неопределённое время), используя эквиваленты модальных глаголов:
1. He must check the temperature three times a day2. In this figure you can see a diagram of temperature changes. 3. He may use a barometer to measure the atmospheric pressure.
VII. Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями some, any, no:
1. The book contained (some, any, no) diagrams.
2. Are there (some, any, no) diagrams in the book.
3. We have (some, any, no) information on this problem.
Цена, руб.400

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