Задания по английскому языку вариант 5
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы27998
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.22
ОглавлениеTEXT 1.
Текст 4
Текст 5
Современные российские железные дороги
Вопросы и ответы по теме “Наш Университет”
Текст THE PROFESSION OF LAWYERS ………………………………………….. 3
Перевод текста THE PROFESSION OF LAWYERS……………………………….. 4
Questions to the text ……………………………………………………………......... 5
Список использованной литературы ………………………………………………. 6
1. Аксенова, Г.Н. Английский для юристов: Учебник для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Юриспруденция» / А.А. Лебедева, Г.Н. Аксенова, Е.В. Бараник; Под ред. А.А. Лебедева. — М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2013. — 359 c.
2. Галаева, М.Н. Английский для юристов: Учебник для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Юриспруденция» / И.А. Горшенева, М.Н. Галаева, О.Ю. Гольцева; Под ред. И.А. Горшенева. — М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2012. — 423 c.
3. Караулова, Ю.А. Английский язык для юристов: Учебник / Ю.А. Караулова. — Люберцы: Юрайт, 2016. — 302 c.
Вариант 5
Задание 1. Определите функции глаголов be и have в предложениях. Переведите предложения.

IV. People disobeying the rules are imprisoned or have to pay compensation.

V. The aim of law is to forbid certain ways of behaving, like murder or terrorism.

VI. For this purpose they have set up a framework of compulsion.

Задание 2. Переведите предложения в разных временах группы Simple. Выпишите глаголы и определите их время и залог.

IV. Law settles disputes among citizens when this or that law is broken.

V. It was defined as “a rule of human conduct, imposed upon and enforced among the members of a given state”.

VI. Laws guarantee to people that the state will protect their arrangements.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности конструкций Progressive и Perfect. Выпишите глаголы и определите их время и залог.

IV. Their business was flourishing and within 6 months they hoped to earn $50 a day.

V. You are behaving like a charlatan!

VI. The intergovernmental cooperation on drugs has been codified by member countries.

Задание 4. Переведите предложения, определив степени сравнения прилагательных.

IV. Murder or terrorism are punished the most severely.

V. Within the framework of do and don’t people live more securely.

VI. This crime demands milder punishment.

Задание 5. Письменно переведите текст.

What is law? Aims of Law.

The term ""law"" is used in many senses: we speak of the laws of physics, mathematics, science, nature, or the laws of football, logic or health. Some laws are descriptive: they just describe how people or natural phenomena usually behave. An example of descriptive law is the law of gravity. Other laws are prescriptive - they prescribe how people should or must behave. An example of prescriptive law is traffic regulations. When we speak of the law of a state we use the term ""law"" in a special and strict sense and in that sense law may be defined as ""a rule of human conduct, imposed upon and enforced among, the members of a given state"".
In any society, laws have several characteristics. First, laws symbolize norms, values, traditions. Second, laws must be codified in some way, usually through writing. Third, there must exist a method of enforcement: this can include police, social pressure, or some other force that enable society to punish or reward its members. Law has several aims mainly concerned with making society more stable. Laws enable people to flourish and feel secure in their lives. To achieve this purpose it is necessary to set up an official framework of compulsion.
So the first aim of law is to forbid certain ways of behaving, like murder, terrorism, or smoking in public places, and to require other ways of conduct, like paying income tax. If people disobey the rules the law may threaten them with something unpleasant like being imprisoned or having to pay compensation. This aim serves to the idea that within this framework of do's and don'ts people can live more securely.
The second aim of law is to provide facilities for people to make their own arrangements. Laws should guarantee to people who buy and sell goods, form companies, sign contracts, take employment, and so on that the state will protect or enforce these arrangements.
The third aim of law is to settle disputes among citizens about what the law is and whether or not it was broken. If we take these three aims together, we may see that law not only threatens those who break it (that means they do what the law forbids) but promises to protect people's interests. The law imposes restrictions on people but also gives them certain guarantees.
Задание 6. Отметьте, являются ли следующие утверждения (А) верными или (Б) неверными. Исправьте неверную информацию.

VI. Prescriptive laws explain how people usually behave.
VII. An example of prescriptive law is the law of gravity or economic laws.
VIII. In any society, norms, values and traditions are reflected by laws.
IX. The aim of law is to prohibit some types of behavior and to require others
X. The main function of law is to threaten those who break it and to impose restrictions on people.


1. Аксенова, Г.Н. Английский для юристов: Учебник для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Юриспруденция» / А.А. Лебедева, Г.Н. Аксенова, Е.В. Бараник; Под ред. А.А. Лебедева. — М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2013. — 359 c.
2. Галаева, М.Н. Английский для юристов: Учебник для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Юриспруденция» / И.А. Горшенева, М.Н. Галаева, О.Ю. Гольцева; Под ред. И.А. Горшенева. — М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2012. — 423 c.
3. Караулова, Ю.А. Английский язык для юристов: Учебник / Ю.А. Караулова. — Люберцы: Юрайт, 2016. — 302 c.

Цена, руб.400

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