Erasmus Exchange students ' experience in learning and living in a multilingual and culturally diverse environment
Цена, руб. | 3000 |
Номер работы | 31737 |
Предмет | Иностранные языки |
Тип работы | Диплом |
Объем, стр. | 87 |
Оглавление | Streszczenie Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................... Chapter 1. THEORETICAL ISSUES OF INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION … 1.1. The international context: globalization, diversity and uniformity …………. 1.1.1 Current international issues in multicultural societies ……………………… 1.1.2 Future for intercultural studies ……………………………………………… 1.2. Intercultural learning societies ……………………………………………….. 1.2.1 The role of media and intercultural relations ……………………………….. 1.2.2 The role of intercultural teacher education …………………………………. Chapter 2. STUDENT MOBILITY: HOW IT AFFECTS LEARNING................. 2.1. The essence of student mobility....................................................................... 2.1.1 Who is likely to be highly mobile ................................................................... 2.2. How mobility can influence student learning .................................................. 2.2.1 What can be done to support highly mobile students ...................................... Chapter 3. A SOCIAL RESEARCH OF THE CHOICE OF METHODS AND MEANS FOR STUDENTS TO LEARN ENGLISH ......................................... 3.1. International programs for students ................................................................. 3.1.1 Erasmus ....................................................................................................... 3.1.2 Work&Travel .............................................................................................. 3.2. Education management ................................................................................. 3.3. Analysis of the survey results ............................................................................ 3.3.1. The resources of speech competence and ways of improving proficiency in English: a case study .................................................................................... Conclusions ........................................................................................................ References .......................................................................................................... The Erasmus exchange programmes, apart from stimulating pro¬fessional studies, offer access to different languages, cultural knowledge, intercultural communication and improve understand¬ing within Europe and with the rest of the world. Students from different nationalities or cultures come together to study bringing with them their different cultures and levels of language skills as well as expectations and beliefs. The experiences gained while studying and living in another country “enrich students’ lives in the academic and professional fields, but can also improve language learning, intercultural skills, self-reliance and self-awareness. Their experi¬ences give students a better sense of what it means to be a European citizen” (EC. The Erasmus Programme-studying in Europe and more). In addition, many employers highly value such a period abroad, which increases students’ employability and job prospects. Those students who have successfully completed a study period abroad are likely to possess cross-cultural communication skills, an understanding of and familiarity with local customs and cultural contexts, flexibility, resilience, the ability to adapt to new circumstances and deal with cultural differences. 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