Relations of Ukraine with Baltic Countries in Modern Geopolitical Realities
Цена, руб. | 400 |
Номер работы | 31739 |
Предмет | Иностранные языки |
Тип работы | Контрольная |
Объем, стр. | 18 |
Оглавление | Contents Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………3 1. Conceptual and theoretical foundations and source of research ………………………………6 2. Ukrainian-Latvian relations ……………………………………………………………………7 2.1. The history of diplomatic relations …………………………………………………………..8 2.2. Parliamentary cooperation …………………………………………………………………...8 2.3. Economic cooperation …………………………………………………………………….....9 3. Ukrainian-Estonian relations …………………………………………………………………11 3.1. Establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Estonia ……………………...11 3.2. Political relations between Ukraine and Estonia …………………………………………...11 3.3. Features of economic cooperation between countries ……………………………………...12 4. Ukrainian-Lithuanian relations………………………………………………………………..13 4.1. History of Ukrainian diplomacy in the Lithuanian direction ………………………………13 4.2. External relations of the two countries …………………………………………………….14 4.3. Trade and economic relations of Ukraine and Lithuania …………………………………..15 Conclusions ………………………………………………………………………......................16 Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………....................17 The main objectives of the research project are to analyze contemporary trends in the geopolitics of Ukraine by highlighting major historical impacts, its geopolitical potential; evaluate Ukraine’s geopolitical interests in the relations with its partners such Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia; determine the role of Ukraine in global processes; analyze data on Ukrainian geopolitical trends in order to support arguments to develop modern geopolitical concept of Ukraine. The object of research includes the global political space, which was cardinally changed due to the geopolitical transformation processes in the modern system of international relations. The geopolitics of Ukraine, its geopolitical interests and the role of Ukraine in the context of globalization processes are referred as subject of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of a research is the legislative documents of Ukraine, government analytical reports related to the sphere of international relations of Ukraine, scientific and theoretical studies of Ukrainian and foreign political scientists on the geopolitics of Ukraine. This project applies economical, historical and political analysis of Ukraine’s geopolitics. In addition retrospective analysis of history of Ukraine showed the stages of formation and development of Ukraine’s geopolitical orientation and the main trends of modern national geopolitics. We widely used a comparative method to compare similar phenomena of social and political processes in the different periods of Ukrainian history in order to define the general interests and principles of Ukraine’s geopolitics. The system method allowed us to consider geopolitics as a whole, well-structured and well-organized system, which is defined by a large number of different factors. Functional method helped us to explore the strategic relations between the countries and their economic and political cooperation. This method is based on the positive, mutually beneficial and pragmatic character and used in the analysis of relations between Ukraine and Baltic countries. The research is based on the principles of objectivity, historical principle, and specificity. Practical and theoretical value of this research is that the main part and conclusions of the project are a contribution to the theoretical study about the geopolitics and geopolitical interests of Ukraine, its role in the cooperation with Baltic countries in the context of modern globalization processes. In the practical context, the results of this research can assist the further research of Ukraine’s geopolitics, increasing the political culture of politicians, diplomats and other decision-makers of Ukraine. The conclusions of the work will help to understand the current geopolitical processes in Ukraine and Baltic countries. The parts of the project can be also used for the teaching and the development of special courses on geopolitics of Ukraine in the universities, preparation of diplomatic personal for the embassies in Ukraine and other spheres of international relations. Results of this research can be used for developing and teaching courses „Geopolitics of Ukraine“, „Ukraine and Globalization,"" „Ukraine in the system of International Relations“ and other related courses. Conclusions about the need of modern geopolitical concept of Ukraine, assessments of Ukraine’s role in the context of globalization processes and solving global problems, and conclusions about the Ukraine’s geopolitical future will be provided as well. Bibliography 1. Bank of Latvia, Lursoft. Available at: 2. Bloom W. Personal Identity, National Identity and International Relations. – N.: Cambridge University Press, 1993. – 208 p. 3. Ekmanis R. Russia, the West, and the Baltics [Electronic resource] / R.Ekmanis // Lithuanian quarterly journal of arts and sciences. – 1995. – Volume 41, No.4. 4. Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine – Latvia, Discussion Paper, Kiev, 2018. – 42 p. 5. John A. Agnew. Geopolitics: re-visioning world politics, Routledge, 2003. – 154 p. 6. Kliot N., Newman D. Geopolitics at the end of the twentieth century: the changing world political map, Routledge, 2000. – 293 p. 7. Lithuania promises assistance on Ukraine’s path to EU membership, Kyiv Post (November 26, 2009) 8. 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Цена, руб. | 400 |
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