The functioning of the Scottish dialect of the English language and its importance for the modern English picture of the world
Цена, руб. | 3000 |
Номер работы | 31742 |
Предмет | Иностранные языки |
Тип работы | Диплом |
Объем, стр. | 74 |
Оглавление | The subject of the research is the functioning of English dialects in Scotland. The object of the research is the meaning of dialects in modern literary language. The methods of research. Based on the goals and objectives, methods of linguistic research are divided into general and special ones. General methods include observation, comparison, induction, deduction, hypothetical-deductive method, analysis, synthesis, modeling, experiment. Special methods are divided into theoretical, descriptive, experimental, laboratory, field, and the like. Descriptive methods use the identification technique. In linguistics, the descriptive method is used to study the social functioning of the language, to describe and analyze the elements and parts of the working “language mechanism”. Each of the elements can be considered both formally and semantically. Descriptive method develops and differentiates depending on schools and tendencies. Now the descriptive method interacts with the structural method. Stylistic method aims to understand the nature and features of the styles of language and speech. Styles are perceived as a special and independent subject of study. Methods that are used in the study of foreign texts: definition, thesaurus, contextual, comparative, method of typology of contexts, method of symbolic interpretation. Methods of semantic research: • The semantic description method reveals the relationship between the meaning of the linguistic sign and its use. It implies which properties, characteristics must be attributed to the object (subject, action, situation, etc.) so that it could be made the denotate of the linguistic unit being described. • Semantic analysis involves the collection of material, the construction of initial hypotheses about the meaning of the analyzed unit. In semantic interpretations, units of natural languages, artificial words and symbols can be used. • Method of variation of one parameter when fixing others. • Contextual analysis is a method of observing words in a sentence (in typical contexts) and revealing their mutual influence. Unlike distributive or valence methods, this method is not formalized. It is based on the assumption that the difference in meaning is always associated with differences in the context. • Semantic and syntactic analysis describes the semantics of the sentence (for example, the connection between the valence of the verb and the grammatical context that it requires). • A modern approach to the study of semantics involves the use of structural methods (component analysis, distributive and statistical analysis, etc.). The theoretical value of the research lies in the fact that the results of the study allow to deeper penetrate into the functioning of the various dialects of modern English; to analyze the national and cultural specificity of the linguistic communication of the English language speakers in different areas; to determine trends of its development in Scotland. The practical value of the research involves the possibility of its use in delivering such theoretical courses as: “Problems of intercultural communication”, “English lexicology”, “Culture-oriented linguistics”, “History and modern use of Scottish dialect of the English language”, as well as in lexicography and translation activities. The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in in-depth study of lexical-semantic and syntactic peculiarities of the formation and functioning of dialect variants of the English language on the territory of Great Britain, as well as in determination of the directions of solving problems of the modern functioning of Scottish dialects of the English language in the literary environment. The structure of the senior thesis: the paper consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusions and bibliography.   BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Aksyutina O. V. Do problemy holovnyh konzeptiv etnolinhvistyky [On the Problems of the Basic Concepts of Ethnolinguistics] / O. V. Aksyutina // Vysnyk CumDu, Seriya “Filolohia”. – 2007. – No. 1. – Volume 2. – S. 5 – 10. 2. Arnold I. V. Leksikolohiya sovremennoho anhliskoho yasyka. Lexicology of modern English. – L.: Prosveshchenie, 1959. – 350 s. 3. Artamonov A. S. 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