Ukrainian Path In History of International Law During The Period Of Kievan Rus and Feudal Fragmentation
Цена, руб. | 400 |
Номер работы | 31745 |
Предмет | Иностранные языки |
Тип работы | Контрольная |
Объем, стр. | 16 |
Оглавление | Contents Introduction ..............................................................................................................................3 1. International legal activity of Kievan Rus.............................................................................6 1.1. Three main directions of formation and development of international law of Kievan Rus ..........................................................................................................................9 1.2. Ways of influence of foreign international legal culture on Kievan Rus .........................10 2. The first international treaties of Kievan Rus …………………………………….............13 3. Main elements of the international legal culture of Kievan Rus .........................................13 Conclusion................................................................................................................................15 References................................................................................................................................16 The object of research is the Ukrainian path in the international law of Kievan Rus’. The subject is the peculiarities of Ukrainian Path In History of International Law during the Period of Kievan Rus’ and Feudal Fragmentation. The topicality of the research is due to the general orientation of modern historical, legal, philosophical research on the features of the Ukrainian path in the history of international law during the period of Kievan Rus’ and feudal fragmentation. The data source in our work was provided by articles from periodicals, legal acts, monographs, etc. The aim of our research is to study the Ukrainian Path in the History of International Law during the Period of Kievan Rus’ and Feudal Fragmentation. The realization of the given aim is expressed in special objectives: - to reveal features of International legal activity of Kievan Rus’; - to consider three main directions of formation and development of international law of Kievan Rus’; - to explore ways of influence of foreign international legal culture on Kievan Rus’; - to analyze the first international treaties of Kievan Rus’; - to consider the main elements of the international legal culture of Kievan Rus’. Methods of research are determined by its aim and objectives. The research was conducted with the use of various general theoretical and special-scientific methods of cognition and approaches to the study of the theory and practice of international law in Kievan Rus’. At the heart of the study of its nature and essence – the laws, principles and categories of dialectics, which we resorted to in analyzing the evolution of international law from its inception to the establishment of the structure at the sectoral level. Historical and theoretical analysis has been used to clarify the essence of international law in Kievan Rus’, and in combination with the comparative legal method, to reveal the peculiarities of regional legal systems, in particular, the international legal culture of Kievan Rus’. The system approach was used to identify the internal relations of norms, principles and institutions. Structural-functional analysis was used to clarify the features of the components of the international law in Kievan Rus. Formal legal analysis was used to establish the nature of the formation and the peculiarities of the interaction of the sources of this right in space and time. Applied interdisciplinary methods were used to identify the normative legal understanding of peoples in the period of Kievan Rus'. Theoretical value of the results obtained is that the provisions and conclusions of the study review a number of false allegations in science and substantially complement modern international legal research on the theory and history of international law; allow us to trace the regularities of its origin, the formation of structure and system, features of the origin of the norms of international law. The theoretical results obtained by us can be used in the study of the essence and functions of contemporary international law, the improvement of scientific methodology, and the specification of the terminological basis in this field, may be the starting point in the historical and theoretical studies of law. Practical value of the results obtained is that for the first time in the domestic science of international law the pattern of the formation and development of this right to its classical type, which formed the basis of contemporary international law, was deduced. Materials of the research are used by scientists in teaching lecture courses and special courses: “International Law”, “History of International Law”, “International Human Rights Protection”, “History of International Legal Studies”, seminars for students, postgraduate students, young teachers. Materials, provisions and conclusions of the work can be used for the preparation of training courses and special courses, writing textbooks and training manuals on the theory and history of international law, the law of international treaties and other branches of it. References Colucci, Michele (1989). The Image of Western Christianity in the Culture of Kievan Rus’. Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 12/13: 576 – 586. Feldbrugge F.J.M. The Treates of Medieval Russia. Law in Medieval Russia, 2008. – pp. 181 – 232. Franklin, Simon and Jonathon Shepard. The Emergence of Rus, 750 –1200. (Longman History of Russia, general editor Harold Shukman.) London: Longman, 1996. Kollmann, Nancy (1990). Collateral Succession in Kievan Rus’. Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 14: 377 – 387. Magocsi, Paul R. (2010). A History of Ukraine: The Land and Its Peoples. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pelenski, Jaroslaw (1987). The Sack of Kiev of 1169: Its Significance for the Succession to Kievan Rus’. Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 11: 303 – 316. Subtelny, Orest. Ukraine: A History, rev. ed. (first published in 1988 as Ukraine. University of Toronto Press, Third ed., 2000. Velychenko, Stephen, National history as cultural process : a survey of the interpretations of Ukraine’s past in Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian historical writing from the earliest times to 1914 Edmonton, 1992. Vernadsky G. Kievan Russia (2d ed. 1973); J. L. Evans, The Kievan Russian Principality (1981). Encyclopedia of Russian History. Available at: Бибиков М. В. Русь в византийской дипломатии: Договоры Руси с греками X в. // Древняя Русь. Вопросы медиевистики. 2005. № 1 (19); То же [Электронный ресурс]. URL:; Лев Диакон. История. Наука. М., 1988; Памятники русского права. М., 1952. Повесть временных лет // Библиотека литературы Древней Руси. Т. 1. СПб., 1997. Сахаров А. Н. Русско-византийский договор 971 года // Сахаров А. Н. Дипломатия Святослава. Гл. 8. М., 1982. |
Цена, руб. | 400 |
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