Verb idioms of banking discourse and their rendering into ukrainian
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы31746
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.10

Phraseology is an integral part of banking discourse which is one of the representatives of institutional discourse. The discourse is a linguistic sociocultural formation, it has the potential in oral and written communication of subjects and objects of banking activity when they implement their socio-role relations [3, p. 57]. Thus, the banking discourse reflects the addresser-addressee configuration of the participants of communication – agents (bank employees) and clients (users of banking services). Banking discourse is inextricably linked with the linguistic and conceptual picture of the business world, which, being represented by lexical and phraseological units of different categorical status, has a terminological system as its core. It is a hierarchically organized set of autosemantic lexical and phraseological units for designating specific professional concepts in the field of banking.

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5. Казакова Е. П. Способы усиления прозрачности внутренней формы фразеологизмов английского делового дискурса:
6. Шевелева С. А. Английский язык для банковских работников / С.А.Шевелева, О.Б. Кокорина, Л.В. Аверьянова. – М.: Эксмо, 2013. – 336 с.
7. Catford J. C. Linguistic theory of translation / J.C. Catford. – Oxford University Press, 1985. – 198 p.
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9. Rosenberg M. English for Banking and Finance / M. Rosenberg. – Pearson Education ESL; 1 edition (March 4, 2013). – 80 p.
10. The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. ― L.: Longman, 2003. ― 1949 p.
11. The Cambridge Dictionary of American English. ― NY: Cambridge University Press, 2008. ― 1069 p.
Цена, руб.400

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