Английский язык 28 заданий
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ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.22
ОглавлениеКонтрольная работа №1
Вариант № 2
Задание 1. Спишите предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них сказуемое, определите время глагола. Предложения переведите.
№ Source sentences
1 My friend learns English and French. - Present Simple, Active
2 His brothers study at the Law Institute. - Present Simple, Active
3 Social workers play an important role in solving problems of youth. - Present Simple, Active
4 He saw all his friends at the club yesterday. - Past Simple, Active
5 Last month the students already knew all words from the texts. - Past Simple, Active
6 I didn’t talk about my plans with his parents. - Past Simple, Active
7 How many cases did the city court consider last month? - Past Simple, Active
8 We will study Social insurance and Social Providing next term. - Future Simple, Active
9 Will they study Criminal Law next year? - Future Simple, Active
10 The students will not deny the value of education because only well-educated people will build a perfect nation. – Future Simple, Active

Задание 2. Спишите предложения, переведите их. Подчеркните сказуемое, определите время и залог.
№ Source sentences
1 He didn’t even try to learn all the new words from the text.
didn’t try - Past Simple, Active
2 Did this judge work at the city court a year ago?
Did work - Past Simple, Active
3 This boy doesn’t want to became a social worker, he wants to be a lawyer.
doesn’t want - Present Simple, Active
4 If you don’t work hard, you will not know law well.
don’t work - Present Simple, Active
5 Our job also includes work with family and children, social help and work with old people, pensioners and invalids.
includes - Present Simple, Active
6 Students of our University will study Psychology, Sociology, History, Philosophy, Law and other interesting subjects.
will study - Future Simple, Active

Задание 3. Спишите предложения, подчеркните оборот, переведите предложения. Преобразуйте их в отрицательные и вопросительные.
№ Source sentences


1.2 There are ninety district courts in different parts of the USA.
Are there ninety district courts in different parts of the USA?
There are no ninety district courts in different parts of the USA
2 There is a book on total technologies of social work in the library.
3 There was a very interesting conference at our department last night
Was there a very interesting conference at our department last night?
There was no a very interesting conference at our department last night
4 There were not many new expressions in this text.
Were there not many new expressions in this text?
There were not many new expressions in this text.
5 Tomorrow there will a lecture on the state system of Great Britain at our club.
Will there a lecture on the state system of Great Britain at our club tomorrow?
Tomorrow there won’t lecture on the state system of Great Britain at our club.
6 There will be seminars in “Rights” and week“.
Will there be seminars in “Rights” and week“?
There won’t be seminars in “Rights” and week“.

Задание 4. Спишите предложения, укажите причастные обороты
№ Source sentences
1 Students coming to Moscow to study usually live in hostels.
coming to – Participle I, в функции определения
2 Do you know the professor delivering a lecture in Hall 7.
delivering - Participle I, в функции определения
3 Addressing the participants of the conference the dean spoke of the importance of this conference for our research work
addressing - Participle I, в функции обстоятельства
4 While studying in Moscow these foreign lawyers took part in the seminar in criminal law.
studying - Participle I, в функции обстоятельства

Задание 5. Спишите сложноподчиненные предложения, подчеркните в них союзы и придаточные предложения.
№ Source sentences
1 I live in a street that is not far from the center of the city.
2 My friend is a very busy for he works as a judge and has a lot of work to do.
3 Since criminality still exists it is necessary to reveal its causes.
4 Tremendous changes have taken place in the world after World War II was over.

Задание 6. Прочитайте текст и переведите его устно Текст № 1
Задание 7. Подберите русские эквиваленты слов и выражения из текста № 1
№ Source
To administrate justice
A court of first (second) instance
To examine a case in substance
To bring in sentence (a judgment)
To sit (о суде)
A district court
A regional court
To hear (to try, to examine)
A case
To determinate a case
A higher court
A lower court
To supervise the activities of court
An assessor
In public

Задание 8. Переведите абзацы текста № 1, в которых говорится:
а) о судах первой и второй инстанции;
б) об основном судебном органе страны;
в) о вышестоящих судах;
г) о Верховном суде;
д) о характере судебного процесса и его участниках.

Source text
а) There are courts of first instance and second instance. A court of first instance examines a case in substance and brings in a sentence or a judgement. A court of second instance examines appeals and protests against sentences and judgements of courts of first instance. However, any court may sit as a court of first instance.
б) The basic judicial organ is the district court. It tries both criminal and civil cases. The district court consists of a judge and two assessors. д) Cases are tried in public and proceedings are oral. The participants in the trial (the victim, the accused, the plaintiff, the defendant and others) speak in open court. The accused has the right to defence.
в) The higher courts are city courts, regional courts and others. These courts hear and determine more important cases. They also sit as courts of appeals.
г) The highest judicial organ is the country's Supreme Court supervising the activities of all the judicial organs of the state.
д) As a court of first instance it tries the most important criminal and civil cases. It also hears appeals against sentences and judgements of lower courts.
"Задание 9. Найдите в тексте № 1:
1) Глаголы в Present Simple, Active:
2) Participle I, определите его функции и объясните перевод
3) Предложение с оборотом there + to be
4) Некоторые союзы ?
The court is (1) an organ of state that administers justice on the basis of the laws of the state.
There are (1) (3) courts of first instance and second instance. A court of first instance examines (1) a case in substance and (4) brings (1) in a sentence or a judgement. A court of second instance examines (1) appeals and protests (1) against sentences and judgements (1) of courts of first instance. However, any court may sit as a court of first instance.
The basic judicial organ is (1) the district court. It tries (1) both criminal and civil cases. The district court consists (1) of a judge and two assessors. Cases are tried in public and proceedings are oral. The participants in the trial (the victim, the accused, the plaintiff, the defendant and others) speak (1) in open court. The accused has the right to defence.
The higher courts are (1) city courts, regional courts and others. These courts hear (1) and determine (1) more important cases. They also sit (1) as courts of appeals.
The highest judicial organ is (1) the country's Supreme Court supervising (2) the activities of all the judicial organs of the state.
As a court of first instance it tries (1) the most important criminal and civil cases. It also hears (1) appeals against sentences and judgments (1) of lower courts.

Задание 10 Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту
1. What organ administers justice in the country?
2. What is the function of a court of first (second instance)?
3. What is the basic juridical organ in the country?
4. What are the courts of higher instance?
5. What is the highest juridical organ in the country?
6. What are the function of the Supreme Court?
7. What are the participants of the trial?

Задание 11. Прочтите и переведите текст № 2 письменно на русский язык.
Source text
Cultural and social life (Wales)
Welsh literature is one of the oldest and richest in Europe, and there is a National Library. The Welsh people also have strong musical traditions; the country is well known for its choral singing and the Welsh National Opera has an international reputation. Special festivals, known as eisteddfodau, encourage Welsh literature and music. The largest is the annual Royal National Eistddfod, consisting of competitions in music, singing, prose and poetry entirely in Welsh. The town of Llangollen attracts artists from all over the world for the annual International Musical Eisteddfod.
The education system is similar to that in England, except for the use of Welsh – a core subject in Welsh speaking schools and a foundation subject elsewhere under the national Curriculum. The colligative University of Welsh, founded in 1893, comprises six member institutions.
Among many sporting activities, there is particular interest in rugby union football, which has come to be regarded as the welsh national game. Just over half of Scotland consists of the sparsely populated highlands and islands in the north. Three-quarters of the population and the most industrial towns are in the central lowlands. Scotland contains large areas of unspoilt and wild landscapes, with internationally significant concentrations of plants and animals. It contains the majority of Britain’s highest mountains – nearly 300 peaks over 900 m. The highest are the Grampians in the central highlands, with Ben Nevis (1.343 m) the tallest peak. The southern uplands, which contain a number of hill ranges, border on England. The chief cities are Edinburg, the capital, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee.
The established Church of Scotland is a Prоtestant church which I Presbyterian in form; it is governed by a hierarchy of church courts, each of which includes lay people.

Задание 12. Составьте краткий план пересказа текста № 2 (5 пунктов) на английском

Задание 13. Раскройте пункты плана для пересказа текста №2 с помощью десяти предложений.

Задание 14. Составьте на английском языке десять вопросов к тексту № 2 с глаголами в Present Simple, Active и оборотом there +to be

Вариант 2
Задание 1. Прочтите и переведите текст № 1 устно
Задание 2. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на русский язык
Source words
prior restraint
to censor
to rule
the supreme court
to reaffirm
to leak
to argue
to be endangered
defense department
to reject a claim
embarrassing information
to bare

Задание 3. Переведите текст письменно
Source text
The pentagon papers
In many nations prior restraint, censorship of information before it is published, is a common way for the government to control information and limit freedom. The Supreme Court has ruled that the press may be censored in advance only in cases relating directly to national security. The following Supreme Court decision illustrates this principle.
In the Pentagon Papers Case the Supreme Court reaffirmed its position. In 1971 a Pentagon employee leaked to The New York Times a secret government report outlining the history of United States involvement in the Vietnam War. This report, which became known as the Pentagon Papers, contained hundreds of government documents, many of the secret cables, memos and plans.
Realizing that the Pentagon Papers showed that former government officials had lied to the American people about the war, The New York Times began to publish parts of the report. The government tried to stop further publication of the papers, arguing that national security would be endangered and that the documents had been stolen from the Defense Department.
A divided Court rejected the government claims. The Court ruled that stopping publication would be prior restraint. Writing on behalf of the majority, Justice William Douglas noted that “the dominant purpose of the First Amendment to the Constitution declaring the freedom of the press was to prohibit the widespread practice of governmental suppression of embarrassing information”. He added: The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people… The press is to serve the governed and not the governors

Задание 4. Выпишите из текста эквиваленты на английском языке, соответствующие следующим выражениям:
Source words
во многих странах
ограничение на публикацию документов
осуществлять контроль над информацией
при помощи
только в случаях
угроза национальной безопасности
секретный правительственный отчет
справки и планы
ложная информация о войне
предпринять попытку
запрет на публикацию
мнение большинства
защищать свободу прессы
информировать общественность

Задание 5. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту
1) Is there censorship of information in the US?
2) What event in American history is the pentagon Papers Case related to?
3) Why did the Court reject the government’s claim?
4) Whose interests do you think the press should serve in a democratic society?
The press is to serve the governed.
5) Was William Douglas a Supreme Justice or a Pentagon Employee?
William Douglas was a Supreme Justice.

Задание 6. Выпишете из текста глаголы в Present Simple Active, Past Simple Active, Past Simple Active. Дайте их перевод
Present Simple Active Past Simple Active Past Simple Active

Задание 7. Выпишите из текста Participle I и Participle II. Дайте перевод

Задание 8. Найдите в тексты глаголы в страдательном залоге:
1) Определите их видовременную форму
2) Выполните перевод

Задание 9. Составьте краткий план пересказа текста (5 пунктов) на английском языке.

Задание 10. Составьте 10 вопросов к тексту на английском языке с глаголами в действительном и страдательном залогах.
"Задание 11. Переведите текст № 2 письменно. Составьте аннотацию текста 2 на русском языке.
Source text
A democracy is any system of government in which rule is by the people. The term democracy comes from the Greek demos (meaning “the people”) and kratia (meaning “rule”). The ancient Greeks used the word democracy to mean government by the many in contrast to government by the few.
“Pericles”, a great leader of the ancient Athens, declared, “Our constitution is named a democracy because it is in the hands not of the few, but of the many” The key idea of democracy is that the people hold sovereign power. Abraham Lincoln best captured this spirit by describing democracy as “government of the people, by the people, and for ttake one he people”
Democracy may take one of two basic forms. In a direct democracy, the people govern themselves by voting on issues individually as citizens. Direct democracy exists only in very small societies where citizens can actually meet regularly to discuss and decide key issues and problems. Direct democracy is still found in some New England town meetings and in some of the smaller states, called cantons of Switzerland. No country today, however, has a government based on direct democracy.
In indirect or representative democracy, the people elect representatives and give them the responsibility and power to make laws and conduct government. An assembly of the people’s representatives may be called a council, a legislature, a congress, or a parliament. Representatives democracy is practiced in cities, states, provinces and countries where the population is too large to meet regularly in one place.
For most Americans today, the terms representative democracy, republic and constitutional republic mean the same thing: a system of limited government where the people are the ultimate source of governmental power.

Задание 12. Ответьте письменно на английском языке на вопросы к тексту.
1) What is the key idea of democracy?
2) What are the two basic forms of democracy?
3) Why is it impossible to establish direct democracy a whole state?

Задание 13. Переведите текст №3 письменно. Составьте краткий реферат текста № 3 на русском языке.
Source text
The American civil service

Many people think of a federal bureaucrat as a pencil pusher shuffling papers in Washington, D. C. This image, however, is not accurate. First of all, only 11 percent of all federal government employees work in Washington, D. C. Most of them work in regional and local offices scattered across the United States and the world. Second, FBI agents, forest rangers, and air-traffic controllers are as much part of the federal bureaucracy are as secretaries and file clerks. Their activities have little to do with bureaucratic paperwork.
Federal government employees play a vital role in assuring the smooth functioning of the United States government. Who are the people who work for the many departments and agencies that make up the federal bureaucracy? The typical man or woman in the federal service is about 43 years old and has worked for the government for a total of about 15 years. Federal workers are better educated than workers in the general population. More than a half of them have some college training, while a quarter have done graduate work at universities.
Federal workers hold a great variety of jobs. Besides administrative workers, the government also employs doctors, veterinarians, lawyers, cartographers, scientists, engineers, accountants, and many other professionals.
The way the civil servants get their offices is also important. During the first years of democracy, George Washington declared that he appointed government officials according to ""fitness of character."" Another president, Andrew Jackson argued that long service in the same jobs by any group of workers would only promote tyranny.

Задание 14. Ответьте письменно на английском языке на вопросы к тексту.
1) What are the typical characteristics of federal works?
2) What kind of jobs do government employees hold?
3) How did civil servants get their offices in the first years of American Democracy?
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