Контрольная по английскому языку
Цена, руб.300
Номер работы781
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.10
ОглавлениеTest 2
1. This is ... map. It is ... good map.
... map is big.
A a, a. the
В a, the, a
С the, a. a
2. ... pens ... red.
A those, is
В this, are
С those, are
3. We ... to the country if the weather ... fine.
A will go, is
В will go, will be
С go, will be
4. We ... our teacher for a year.
A know
В have known
С do know
5. ... text 5 now, do it at home.
A No read
В Don't read
С Don't
6. ... you have dictations every day?
- No, we ...
A Do, don't
В Are, aren't
С Is, isn't
7. ... she speak German well ? - Yes, she ...
A Do, is
В Is, do
С Does, does
8. Is she ... a letter now? - No, she ...
A write, isn't
В writing, isn't
С writing, is
9. ... coffee do you want?
A How well
В How much
С How many
10. ... she work in a bank ... last year?
A Does, in
В Do, the
С Did,

11. Kate is my friend. ... like ... a lot.
A I , her
В She, me
С It, him
12. There are ... English books,
but there aren't ... French books.
A many, much
В much, many
С a lot of, many
13. ... a car? - Yes, I ...
A Do you have, do
В Do you got, got
С Have you, do
14. ... four chairs in the room.
A be
В is
С There are
15. I didn't get ... telegrams yesterday,
but I got ... letters.
A any, some
В some, any
С a, any

16. Must we do it now? - No, you ..., you can do it
A mustn't
В needn't
С shouldn't

17. ... I close the door for you? - Do, please!
A Must
В Shall
С Need

18. We ... the washing-up. - When ... you ... it?
A already did, did, do
В have already done, have, done
С have already done,- did , do

19 Where ... your sister born? -She... born in Rome.
A was, was
В were, was
С were, did

20 ... an hour to get to work.
A Me need
В It takes me
С It take I

My working day and day off
My flat
Letter to your friend about your plans for your holidays

1. Why I learn English
2. My life
3. What kind of literature do you like to read?
4. The United Kingdom
Цена, руб.300

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