Английский контрольная 1, вариант 1
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы8541
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.8
Оглавление"Контрольная работа №1
Вариант № 1
Задание 1. Образуйте множественное число имен существительных, переведите на русский язык
№ singular
1 a child – ребенок
2 a state - государство
3 a principle - принцип
4 a court - суд
5 a judge – судья
6 a case - случай
7 a wife - жена
8 a problem - проблема
9 a service - услуга

Задание 2. Спишите и переведите группы слов, обращая внимания на перевод притяжательной конструкции
№ Source word combinations
1 the country’ economy
2 the public’s role
3 those children’s parents
4 the courts decisions
5 the deputy’s work
6 people’s rights and duties
7 the procurator’s office
8 the procurator’s powers
9 the people’s fight for liberation

Задание 3. Спишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей
№ Source sentences
1 A crime is a socially dangerous act that transgresses against social and state system
2 All people must take part in fighting crime.
3 The Judge determinate the juvenile act as a crime
4 Crimes still exist at the present stage of a social development
5 No state may pass a law contrary to the US National Constitution

Задание 4. Спишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимания на перевод местоимения it (its – притяжательные)
№ Source sentences
1 I have a very good book on Political Economy. You may take it if you need it.
2 As crime still exists it is important to explain the causes
3 We consider it our duty to protect the rights of citizens
4 It is courts that must protect the interest of the entire people
5 Elections are universal. It means that all citizens at the age of 18 have the rights to elect.

Задание 5. Спишите предложения, подчеркните глаголы to be, to have. Предложения переведите
№ Source sentences
1 My friend is a layer
2 This woman is not a judge, she is a social worker
3 Are you an investigator too?
4 My father has a lot of books on law and social adaptation
5 I have no articles on criminal law, but my sister has a lot of articles on social work.

Задание 6. Расположите следующие существительные согласно модели, переведите их.
№ суффикс
1 -er
2 -tion
3 -tion
4 -tion
5 -ty
6 -ment
7 -ry
8 -te
9 -ment
10 -er
11 -ence
12 -s
13 -ing
14 -n
15 -or

Задание 7. Прочитайте текст и переведите его устно Текст № 1

Задание 8. Спишите и переведите следующие словосочетания из текста №1
№ Source word combinations
1 the procurator’s office
2 persons in the office
3 to see to it
4 according to the law
5 to appeal against
6 to maintain prosecution
7 before the court
8 in the name of the state

Задание 9. Найдите в тексте №1 абзац, в котором дается определение прокуратуры и абзац, в котором излагается функции прокуратуры и права прокурора. Сделайте письменный перевод этих абзацев.
Source text
The procurator’s office is a state organ that ensures the correct application and observance of the state’s laws by all ministers, organizations, persons in the office and all the citizens.
It also protects the personal rights of citizens. It investigates criminal cases, collects evidence against criminals and sees to it that other investigating organs act according to the law.
The Procurator has the right to appeal against any unlawful decision and actions of state organs and persons in office. The procurator maintains persecution before the court in the name of the state.

Задание 10. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту №1
1) What does the Procurator’s Office ensure?
2) What are the functions of the Procurator’s Office?
3) What rights has the procurator?

Задание 11 Найдите в тексте №1 и выпишите с переводом
а) существительное во множественном числе, которое в единственном числе оканчивается на букву «у»
б) несколько существительных, в которых окончания «s» читается как
в) существительное в притяжательном падеже;
г) группы существительных с предлогом «of»;
д) существительное с суффиксами «-sion», «-tion»;
е) предложения с глаголами «to be», «to have».

Задание 12. Прочтите и переведите текст № 2 письменно на русский язык.
Source text
Cultural and social life (England)
London has a concentration of cultural features, including a dozen museums , theatres, opera, ballet and concert venues. The same broad range of cultural interests can be found in other major cities and towns. Theatres outside London are used for touring by the national theatre, dance and opera companies.
Of the many tourist attractions in England, the most popular of those changing for admission in1991 were Madam Tussaud’s waxworks in London, the Tower of Londom and Alton Towers in Staffordshire, each with about 2 million visitors.
The English love of gardens and landscapes is associated with a tradition of sightseeing visits to country houses, gardens and unspoilt rural and coastal areas. There are National Parks, six forest parks, 34 designated’ areas of outstanding natural beauty, almost 200 country parks approved by the Countryside Commission, over 6 0000 conservation areas, 800 km of designated heritage coastline, and about 2000 historic buildings and over 3000 gardens open to the public. Many regions and towns have associations with great English writers and artists. Such as William Shakespeare (Stratford-upon-Avon)? The Bronte sisters (Yorkshire), Thomas Hardy (Dorset) and John Constable (Essex and Suffolk)/ Wales is a country of hills and mountains, the highest of which are in наследия Snowdonia in the north west; the tallest peak in Snowdown (1.085 m). Two-thirds of the population lives in the southern valleys and the lower – lying coastal areas. The chies urban centers are Cardiff, Swansea, Newport and Wrexham. Wales is a principally Prince Charles, the heir to the throne, was invested by the Queen with the title of Prince of Wales at Caemarfon Castle in 1969.
Latest figures suggest that about one-fifth of the population speaks Welsh, a language of Celtic origin. Welsh speakers are concentrated in the rural north and west The Welsh name of the country is Cymru. Welsh has equal validity with English in law courts, bilingual education in schools is encouraged, and there has been an extended use of Welsh for official purposes and in broadcasting. Welshlanguage television programmers are transmitted in Wales by Sianel 4 Cymru (Channel 4 Wales). A Welsh language Board advices on matters relating to the welsh language.
There is no established church, the Anglican church having been disestablished in 1920 after decades of pressure from the Methodist and Baptist churches. Methodism in particular spread rapidly in Wales in the eighteenth century, assuming the nature of a popular movement among the welsh speakers and finding strong support later in industrial communities.

Задание 13. Составьте краткий план пересказа текста № 2 (5 пунктов) на английском

Задание 14. Составьте на английском языке десять вопросов к тексту № 2 в действительном и страдательном залоге

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