Контрольная работа по английскому языку, 4 часть
Цена, руб.400
Номер работы8848
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работы Контрольная
Объем, стр.46
Оглавление"Контрольная работа №4 ( 2 курс – 4 семестр)
Задания для самостоятельной работы (в письменной форме высылаются преподавателю для проверки)
1. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию и форму инфинитива:
1 To walk in bad weather is not pleasant.
To walk - Indefinite, Active Voice, в форме подлежащего
2 Our task is to master English.
to master - Indefinite, Active Voice, в форме части сказуемого
3 I have come here to help you.
to help - Indefinite, Active Voice, в форме обстоятельства цели
4 Some students of our Institute have been sent abroad to study English.
to study - Indefinite, Active Voice, в форме обстоятельства цели
5 This is a good place to work in.
to study - Indefinite, Active Voice, в форме прямого дополнения
6 We knew the test to have been made.
to have been made - Perfect, Passive Voice, в форме прямого дополнения
7 They hope to be sent to the conference.
to be sent - Indefinite, Passive Voice, в форме прямого дополнения
8 The work to be done here will take much time.
to be done - Indefinite, Passive Voice, в форме прямого дополнения
9 Helen opened the door to look into the room.
to look - Indefinite, Active Voice, в форме обстоятельства цели
10 To enter this University requires a lot of hard work.
to enter - Indefinite, Active Voice, в форме подлежащего
11 You may stay here.
12 To have met him was an event in my life.
To have met - Perfect, Active Voice, в форме подлежащего
13 The problem to be discussed at our meeting is very important.
to be discussed - Indefinite, Passive Voice, в форме обстоятельства
14 I shall go for a walk after classes.
15 Mary was asked to look after the child.
to look after - Indefinite, Active Voice, в форме прямого дополнения

2. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию и форму причастия:
1 He is looking for the book which he lost.
lost – Participle II, Active Voice, в форме именной части сказуемого
2 The street leading to our house is very wide.
leading - Participle I, Indefinite, Active Voice, в форме определения
3 Having read the article I do not need it any longer.
Having read - Participle II, Perfect Participle, Active Voice, в форме обстоятельства
4 Cities and towns destroyed during the war, were built anew.
destroyed - Participle II, Past Participle, Active Voice, в форме определения
5 Having been built two centuries ago, the house has no lift.
Having been built - Participle II, Perfect Participle, Passive Voice, в форме определения
6 It was clear that he had given us the wrong address.
given - Participle II, Past Participle, Active Voice, в форме обстоятельства
7 He speaks like a man having his opinion of every thing.
given - Participle I, Present Participle, Active Voice, в форме определения
8 Walking in the park, he met his old friend.
Walking - Participle I, Present Participle, Active Voice, в форме обстоятельства
9 The cars now being produced at out plants are very good.
being produced - Participle I, Present Participle, Passive Voice, в форме определения
10 Sometimes he is sent to New York on business.
sent - Participle II, Present Participle, Passive Voice, именной части сказуемого
11 When asked he brought the papers at once.
asked - Participle II, Past Participle, Active Voice, в форме дополнения
12 The machine designed by him will help us greatly.
designed - Participle II, Past Participle, Passive Voice, в форме определения
13 He is a leading scientist in this field.
leading - Participle I, Present Participle, Active Voice, в форме именной части сказуемого
14 Given the task he began to work
Given - Participle II, Present Participle, Active Voice, в форме обстоятельства
15 The lecture was attended by many people.
attended - Participle II, Past Participle, Passive Voice, в форме именной части сказуемого

3. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию герундия:

1 Swimming in bad weather is not pleasant.
swimming – в функции подлежащего
2 We discussed opening a new business.
opening – в функции дополнения
3 There stands a reading lamp on the table.
reading – в функции дополнения
4 Instead of going home he went to the movies.
going – в функции обстоятельства
5 I shall never forget taking that examination
taking – в функции обстоятельства
6 There are several ways of producing electricity.
producing – в функции дополнения
7 On coming home I took a bath.
coming – в функции обстоятельства
8 Thank you for coming.
coming – в функции обстоятельства
9 Seeing and believing are different things.
seeing and believing – в функции подлежащего
10 He left the room without saying a word.
saying – в функции обстоятельства
11 Do you mind my staying here?
staying – в функции дополнения
12 They went on talking.
talking – в функции обстоятельства
13 This scientist achieved great results by working hard at the problem.
working – в функции обстоятельства

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму герундия
1 She thanked him for having helped her.
2 We remember having been told about the different points of view on this theory.
3 I remember having obtained these data in our previous experiments.
4 We have been sent here for mastering English.
5 I’m sorry for having missed your lecture.
6 This TV-set wants being repaired.
7 I don’t like being read to.

5. Определите являются ли выделенные слова – причастием, отглагольным существительным или герундием.
1 Knowing (причастие) English well he translated the article without a dictionary.
2 He took part in the sittings (отглагольное существительное).
3 She is looking at the woman sitting (причастие) at the window.
4 After saying (герундий) this he left the room.
Have you any reason for saying (герундий) such things?
5 The reading (отглагольное существительное).of this book took two hours.
6 He sat in the arm-chair reading (причастие) a newspaper.
7 My little son shows his enjoyment by crying. (герундий).
8 The crying (причастие) child was comforted by his nurse.
9 She stopped crying (герундий), looked up, said nothing.

6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное дополнение:
I felt somebody touch my hand.
We saw the car turn round the corner.
I heard somebody mention his name.
They watch him walk up the hill.
Nobody noticed him disappear.
She wanted them to read that book.
He would like me to go with him to the theatre.
Every mother wishes her child to be talented.
I want the matter to be settled quickly.
I’d like my husband to get a new job.
We consider him to be the best pupil of our school.
They expected me to solve all problems.
We believe our basketball team to win next game.
I think his age to be a point in his favour.
We expect this statement to be true.
She always thought him to be right.
I found the whole situation to be rather embarrassing.
Everybody knows matter to consist of small particles called atoms.
I think this question to be too difficult for me to answer.
We know him to be nominated for the chairman of the conference.
She made me do it all over again.
Our English teacher makes us learn the words for every lesson.
I could not get him to review the whole material.
Friction caused the machine stop.
I’m going to have my daughter taught music.
The teacher allowed us to use dictionaries.
That is too heavy for one person to carry, let me help you.
We asked the engineer to show us radio instrument.
Please let me know the results of your exam as soon as possible.
Her father doesn’t allow her to go to the cinema alone.

7. Вставьте частицу to где необходимо.
1) Oh, you made me start.(zero infinitive)
2) I heard someone breathe heavily in the darkness. (zero infinitive)
3) Here are some dresses I’d like you iron. (zero infinitive)
4) Please let me take your car for the night. (zero infinitive)
5) I don’t want my aunt to be left alone.
6) The doctor doesn’t let her get up. He says she’s too weak yet. (zero infinitive)
7) Millie had never heard her husband … speak about his youth. (zero infinitive)
8) I want you to tell me about your adventure.
8. Переведите предложения с субъектным инфинитивным оборотом, обращая внимание на формы инфинитива:
Tsiolkovsky is known to have developed the theory of rocket flying.
The experiment was supposed to have been completed.
Electric current is known to flow in metal parts.
The solution of this problem is said not to be easy.
The building is reported to have been damaged by fire
The match proved to be final.
The new approach to the problem appears to be the most satisfactory.
The laser beam seems to have almost unlimited industrial possibilities.
She didn’t seem to have heard what I said.
He turned out to be a good chess-player.
The application of this device is certain to give better results.
He is likely to be given this work.
This important problem is sure to be settled very soon.
We are not likely to meet often.
We are sure to learn of it.
They were ordered to leave the hall.
The singer was asked to repeat the song.
He was made to put on his coat.
She was allowed to walk Sunday afternoons.
The child was forced to drink some of the medicine.

9. Замените сложноподчиненные предложения простыми, употребив сложное подлежащее:
Образец: It is considered that the program of experiments has been approved.
The program of experiments is considered to have been approved.
1 It is said that the delegation has arrived.
2 It is believed that the weather will change.
3 It seems that he has many difficulties in his work.
4 It is expected that he is working at this problem.
5 It is said that the solution of this problem is not easy.
6 It is believed that the flight was completed yesterday.
6 It is supposed that he has completed his research.
7 It is reported that our football team has won the match.
8 It is turned out that he hasn’t yet married.
9 It is known that P.N. Yablochkov invented the “Russian light”.

10. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на предложный инфинитивный оборот:
1 Everybody waited for the meeting to start.
2 It was late for us to begin discussing this question.
3 It won’t be too difficult for you to write the letter in English.
4 This question is for Mr. Smith to decide.
5 The most difficult thing for him to do was to attend lectures on history.
6 It was important for us to solve this problem as soon as possible.
7 Everybody waited for the new data of the test to be published.
8 This theorem was for you to prove.
9 The children waited for the teacher to come.
10 These are the books for you to read in summer.

11. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1 Inspecting the motor, the engineer made some valuable remarks.
2 Having done a number of operations, the machine stopped automatically.
3 Translating the article, the student used some dictionaries.
4 After the teacher had explained the new grammar rule, he asked the students to do some written exercises.
5 Having received your message, I answered it at once.
6 When the engineer tested the engine, he applied new methods.

12. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот:

1 It being warm, the children went for a walk.
2 The students wrote their English test-paper, each doing his variant.
3 My father being very ill, I had to send for the doctor.
4 The text was not difficult, many words having been learned before.
5 It being very late, we had to return home.
6 There being no more questions to be discussed at the meeting, the chairman declared it closed.
7 The concert was followed by a dance, many people staying for it.
8 The weather permitting, we shall start tomorrow.
9 With the temperature falling rapidly and the wind getting stronger, we were not able to carry on scientific investigations.
10 The article being ready, I shall show it to you.

They were ordered to leave the hall.
The singer was asked to repeat the song.
He was made to put on his coat.
She was allowed to walk Sunday afternoons.
The child was forced to drink some of the medicine.

9. Замените сложноподчиненные предложения простыми, употребив сложное подлежащее:
Образец: It is considered that the program of experiments has been approved.
The program of experiments is considered to have been approved.
1 It is said that the delegation has arrived.
2 It is believed that the weather will change.
3 It seems that he has many difficulties in his work.
4 It is expected that he is working at this problem.
5 It is said that the solution of this problem is not easy.
6 It is believed that the flight was completed yesterday.
6 It is supposed that he has completed his research.
7 It is reported that our football team has won the match.
8 It is turned out that he hasn’t yet married.
9 It is known that P.N. Yablochkov invented the “Russian light”.

10. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на предложный инфинитивный оборот:
1 Everybody waited for the meeting to start.
2 It was late for us to begin discussing this question.
3 It won’t be too difficult for you to write the letter in English.
4 This question is for Mr. Smith to decide.
5 The most difficult thing for him to do was to attend lectures on history.
6 It was important for us to solve this problem as soon as possible.
7 Everybody waited for the new data of the test to be published.
8 This theorem was for you to prove.
9 The children waited for the teacher to come.
10 These are the books for you to read in summer.

11. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1 Inspecting the motor, the engineer made some valuable remarks.
2 Having done a number of operations, the machine stopped automatically.
3 Translating the article, the student used some dictionaries.
4 After the teacher had explained the new grammar rule, he asked the students to do some written exercises.
5 Having received your message, I answered it at once.
6 When the engineer tested the engine, he applied new methods.

12. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот:

1 It being warm, the children went for a walk.
2 The students wrote their English test-paper, each doing his variant.
3 My father being very ill, I had to send for the doctor.
4 The text was not difficult, many words having been learned before.
5 It being very late, we had to return home.
6 There being no more questions to be discussed at the meeting, the chairman declared it closed.
7 The concert was followed by a dance, many people staying for it.
8 The weather permitting, we shall start tomorrow.
9 With the temperature falling rapidly and the wind getting stronger, we were not able to carry on scientific investigations.
10 The article being ready, I shall show it to you.

Выберете текст по специальности и выполните задание по тексту.

Факультет: «Финансы и кредит»

Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

Accounting Information
Accounting provides informational access to a company's financial condi¬tion for three broad interest groups. First, it gives the company's management the information to evaluate financial performance over a previous period of time, and to make decisions regarding the future. Second, it informs those who are interested in buying its stock, about the fi¬nancial position of the company. Third, accounting provides reports for the tax and regulatory departments of the government. In general, accounting informa¬tion can be classified into two main categories: financial accounting (or public information) and managerial accounting (or private information).
Managerial accounting deals with cost and profit relationships, efficiency and productivity, planning and control, pricing decisions, capital budgeting, etc. This information pro¬vides a wide variety of specialized reports for division managers, department heads and project directors.
A standard set of financial statements is expected to be prepared regularly by financial accounting and published in an annual report at the end of the fiscal year. These statements include the following items: 1) the balance sheet, 2) the statement of cash flows, 3) the income statement, 4) the statement of retained earnings.
Information relating to the financial position of a company, mainly about assets and liabilities, is presented in a balance sheet. The statement of cash flows shows the changes in the company's financial position and provides information which is not available in either an income statement or a balance sheet.
Another financial statement disclosing the results of the company's activ¬ity is known as the income and expense statement. Prepared for a defined time interval, this statement summarizes the company's revenues, expenses, gains and losses and shows whether a company has made a profit within the period. Income is considered to be the difference between revenues and expenses. Revenues are transactions that represent the inflow of assets as a result of operations — that is, the assets received from selling goods and rendering services. Expenses are transactions involving the outflow of assets in order to generate revenue, such as wages, salaries, rent, interest and taxes. The income statement excludes the amount of assets withdrawn by the owners, in a corporation such withdrawal of assets being called dividends.
The separate statement of retained earnings and stockholder's equity shows inves-tors what has happened to their ownership in the company, how earnings and new stock issuance have increased its value, and what dividends were paid.
Each of these reports contains figures for previous years and for the cur¬rent period, providing a way of comparing present and past company perfor¬mance. Being prepared for the use of management, the financial statements contain neither debit nor credit columns. These statements are accompanied by additional data about the particular accounting method used, as well as explanations about the most important events within the previous year.

Задание по тексту
1.выберите правильный ответ и переведите предложения на русский язык.
4.1. Accounting gives the company's management the information to evaluate financial performance … .
a) over a previous period of time
b) for the current period of a fiscal year
c) over previous three years
4.2. The statement of cash flows provides information which … .
a) is available in either an income statement or a balance sheet
b) is not available in either an income statement or a balance sheet
c) is available only in an income statement
4.3. The income statement … being called dividends
a) summarizes withdrawal of assets
b) includes withdrawal of assets
c) excludes the withdrawal of assets
4.4. The separate statement of retained earnings and stockholder's equity shows
a) the company's management what has happened to their ownership in the company
b) investors what has happened to their ownership in the company
c) tax departments what has happened to the company
4.5. Being prepared for the use of management, the financial statements contain …
a) neither debit nor credit columns
b) either debit or credit columns
c) neither revenues nor expenses columns

Вопрос 751
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
The UK … of four countries
A) is made up;
B) consist ;
C) has made up;
D) is consist;
E) was consist.
Вопрос 752
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
In the mourning English people have just a cup of coffee with a toast or something similar. This…a “continental breakfast”.
A) is call ;
B) is called;
C) was called;
D) are called;
E) can called.
Вопрос 753
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
The British Isles…from the European continent by the North Sea, and the English Channel.
A) are separated;
B) is separated;
C) are separate;
D) is separate;
E) can separate.
Вопрос 754
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
The UK … as a highly developed industrial country.
A) is known;
B) has known;
C) known;
D) is know;
E) knew.
Вопрос 755
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
The UK …. by the elected government with the prime minister at the head
A) is ruled;
B) rules;
C) is rule;
D) ruled ;
E) has ruled.
Вопрос 756
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
English kings and queens … in Westminster Abbey.
A) have been crowned ;
B) are crowned;
C) had crown ;
D) crowns;
E) has crowned .
Вопрос 757
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
Washington … after the first president of the USA, George Washington.
A) was named;
B) is named;
C) had been named;
D) will be named;
E) must be named.
""Вопрос 758
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
New York … in the natural harbor of the mouth of the Hudson River.
A) is located;
B) located;
C) was located;
D) can locate;
E) will be located;
Вопрос 759;
Choose the Russian equivalent :
New-York is known for its restaurants.
A) В Нью -Йорке очень много ресторанов;
B) Нью -Йорк известен своими ресторанами;
C) Все знают, что в Нью -Йорке очень много ресторанов;
D) Я знаю хороший ресторан в Нью –Йорке;
E) В Нью -Йорке нет хороших ресторанов.
Вопрос 760
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
Skyscrapers … to build in Washington.
A) is not allowed ;
B) are not allowed;
C) has been not allowed ;
D) had been not allowed;
E) will be not allow .
Вопрос 761
Choose the English equivalent
Ученикам объяснили правило.
A) The pupils were explained the rule;
B) The rule was explained to pupils;
C) The rules was explained to pupils;
D) The teacher explained the rule to the pupils;
E) A pupils was explained to the rule.
Вопрос 762
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
Don’t come in! Students … examined
A) are been;
B) are being;
C) has being;
D) will;
E) can.
Вопрос 763
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
It was noisy. He .. not being listened to
A) is;
B) was;
C) has;
D) have;
E) will.
Вопрос 764
Put the phrase in Active voice into Passive voice
Everybody listened to him with great attention.
A) Everybody was listened to him with great attention;
B) He was listened to with great attention;
C) Everybody has listen to him with great attention ;
D) He listened to everybody with great attention;
E) No one listened to him .
Вопрос 765
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
He … after in the hospital much better
A) will look;
B) will be looked ;
C) had looked;
D) has looked;
E) will be look.
Вопрос 766
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
Does he realize that he …at.
A) was being laughed;
B) is being laughed ;
C) has being laugh;
D) will be laugh;
E) is being laugh.
Вопрос 767
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
When the fire brigade came, the building … destroyed by the fire already.
A) has been;
B) had been;
C) is been ;
D) will been;
E) was been.
Вопрос 768
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
All the business letters … answered by noon.
A) have been;
B) will have been;
C) had been;
D) was been;
E) is been.
Вопрос 769
Choose the Russian equivalent
The papers will have been received by tomorrow.
A) Мы получим бумаги к утру;
B) К утру бумаги будут на столе;
C) Бумаги будут получены к утру;
D) Бумаги пропали утром;
E) Бумаги были доставлены туром.
Вопрос 770
Choose the Russian equivalent
The doctor has been sent for.
A) Доктор сейчас подойдёт;
B) Доктор только что выехал;
C) За доктором уже послали;
D) За доктором сейчас пошлют;
E) Вам вызвать врача?
Вопрос 771
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
The successful performance of the young actress … much about.
A) will talk ;
B) must talk;
C) will be talked;
D) is talk;
E) talk.
Вопрос 772
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
Where are the magazines …?
A) are keep;
B) keep;
C) kept;
D) has kept;
E) will keep.
Вопрос 773
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
He didn’t know when the mail ….
A) will be brought;
B) were be brought;
C) was brought;
D) brought;
E) be brought.
Вопрос 775
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
Yesterday I … to ring.
A) were asked;
B) asked;
C) was asked ;
D) asks;
E) have asked.
Вопрос 776
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
Can’t you hear, we …spoken about now?
A) have been;
B) will;
C) are being;
D) has;
E) be.
Вопрос 777
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
We … much interesting yesterday.
A) are shown;
B) have shown;
C) were shown;
D) shown;
E) show.
Вопрос 778
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
The breakfast … just….by mother.
A) have been cooked;
B) is be cooked;
C) has been cooked;
D) has cooked;
E) cooked.
Вопрос 779
Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.
She said that the picture … with a pen.
A) is being drawn;
B) have been drawn;
C) had been drawn ;
D) drawn;
E) to draw.
Вопрос 780
Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive.
Этот фильм показывали по телевизору, когда я вернулся домой
A) to show;
B) shows;
C) shown;
D) was being shown;
E) will be show.
Вопрос 781
Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive.
Новые фильмы показывают по телевизору каждый день.
A) shown;
B) will show;
C) shows;
D) are shown;
E) was shown.
Вопрос 782
Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive.
Я уверен, что фильм покажут к Новому Году.
A) shows;
B) will show;
C) shown;
D) will have been shown;
E) has shown.
Вопрос 783
Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive.
Сейчас здесь показывают новые фильмы
A) was shown;
B) shows;
C) show;
D) is being shown;
E) had show.
Вопрос 784
Этот фильм был уже показан, когда я уже приехал сюда.
A) shows;
B) will show;
C) be show;
D) had been shown;
E) to show.
Вопрос 785
Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive. Много фильмов будет показано в следующем месяце.
A) to show;
B) to be shown;
C) is show;
D) will be shown;
E) has show.
Вопрос 786
Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive. Этот фильм показывали в этом году.
A) have been shown;
B) is show;
C) was show;
D) has been shown;
E) shows.
Вопрос 787
Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive. Этот фильм показывают уже пять месяцев.
A) will show;
B) will be shown;
C) to show;
D) has been shown;
E) to be show.
Вопрос 788
Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive. Мне не заплатили за работу
A) paid;
B) have paid;
C) will pay;
D) wasn’t paid ;
E) to pay.
"Вопрос 789
Choose the correct form of the English verb in Passive. Мою машину только что украли.
A) have stolen;
B) stolen ;
C) was stolen;
D) has been stolen;
E) will be stolen.
Вопрос 790
Choose the correct form of the modal verb. One Englishman … beat three Frenchmen
A) is to ;
B) ought;
C) need;
D) may;
E) can.
Вопрос 791
Choose the correct form of the modal verb. God … not be everywhere, therefore he created mothers.
A) may ;
B) might;
C) must;
D) need;
E) could.
Вопрос 792
Choose the correct form of the modal verb. He who falls today, … rise tomorrow.
A) can ;
B) could;
C) should;
D) to be to;
E) may.
Вопрос 793
Choose the correct form of the modal verb. … each day bring you closer to your better health.
A) should;
B) must;
C) have to;
D) can;
E) may.
Вопрос 794
Choose the correct form of the modal verb. … not walk on the grass!
A) can;
B) could;
C) might;
D) need;
E) must.
Вопрос 795
Choose the correct form of the modal verb. Do I … do this job for her?
A) ought to;
B) need;
C) should;
D) may;
E) have to.
Вопрос 796
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
It was the first and the last ceremony I … see
A) to be to;
B) will;
C) shall;
D) can;
E) was to.
Вопрос 797
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
A gentleman … be honest in his actions.
A) may;
B) must;
C) might;
D) need;
E) should.
Вопрос 798
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
Law makers … not be law breakers.
A) can;
B) could;
C) must;
D) need;
E) should.
Вопрос 799
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
Kings … be Kings in all things.
A) can;
B) may;
C) must;
D) to be to;
E) ought to.
Вопрос 800
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
A liar … have a good memory.
A) ought to;
B) can;
C) may;
D) might;
E) need.
Вопрос 801
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
I … nobody to keep me occupied.
A) need;
B) will;
C) can;
D) could;
E) should.
Вопрос 802
Choose the correct form of the modal verb in Passive.
She … be phoned immediately.
A) should;
B) will;
C) can;
D) must;
E) have to.
Вопрос 803
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
An interesting offer … be made to you.
A) can;
B) may;
C) must;
D) need;
E) have to.
Вопрос 804
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
The documents … be send as quickly as possible.
A) must;
B) need;
C) can;
D) could;
E) ought to.
Вопрос 805
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
Ecologist say that our planet … be taken care of
A) should;
B) can;
C) may;
D) must;
E) could.
Вопрос 806
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
Their kitchen is large, and it .. be used as a dining room
A) can;
B) may;
C) might;
D) ought to;
E) need.
Вопрос 807
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
The job …be found by her easily.
A) can;
B) may;
C) might;
D) should;
E) need.
Вопрос 808
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
Questions … be asked already.
A) may;
B) need;
C) can;
D) could;
E) must.
Вопрос 809
Choose the correct form of the modal verb.
The boss wants Mr. Black. He .. be found.
A) must;
B) can;
C) may;
D) should;
E) will.
Вопрос 810
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
Fog held up the trains
A) Fog is held up the trains;
B) The trains were held up by the fog;
C) Fog hold up the trains;
D) Fog can held up the trains;
E) Fog has held up the trains.
Вопрос 811
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
You are to live it here. Someone will call for later on.
A) This was to be left here;
B) This is to be left here;
C) This has to be left here;
D) This have to be left here;
E) This will to be left here.
Вопрос 812
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
We called in the police
A) Police was called in;
B) Police were called in;
C) We have called in the police;
D) We was called in the police;
E) We has called in the police.
Вопрос 813
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
They didn’t look after the children properly.
A) Children was not properly looked after;
B) Children were not properly looked after;
C) They didn’t looked after the children properly;
D) They didn’t looks after the children properly;
E) They don’t look after the children properly.
Вопрос 814
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
Everyone looked up to him
A) He is looked up to by everyone ;
B) He was looked up to by everyone;
C) Everyone looks up to him;
D) Everyone have looked up to him;
E) Everyone has looked up to him.
Вопрос 815
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
All the ministers will see him at the airport.
A) All the ministers see him at the airport;
B) He will be seen off at the airport by all the ministers;
C) All the ministers have see him at the airport;
D) All the ministers could see him at the airport;
E) He will seen off at the airport by all the ministers.
Вопрос 816
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
He hasn’t slept in his bed.
A) The bed isn’t been slept in;
B) The bed hasn’t been slept in;
C) The bed haven’t been slept in;
D) The bed wasn’t been slept in;
E) The bed didn’t been slept in.
Вопрос 817
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
We can build on more rooms
A) More rooms is be built on;
B) More rooms can be built on;
C) More rooms was be built on;
D) More rooms can built on;
E) More rooms can’t be built on.
Вопрос 818
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
They threw him out.
A) They throw him out;
B) He was thrown out;
C) He is thrown out;
D) They have threw him out;
E) He were thrown out.
Вопрос 819
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
Her story didn’t take them in.
A) They haven’t taken in by her story;
B) They wasn’t taken in by her story;
C) They weren’t taken in by her story;
D) They didn’t taken in by her story;
E) They aren’t taken in by her story.
"Вопрос 820
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
They took down the notice.
A) They take down the notice;
B) They have took down the notice;
C) Notice was taken down;
D) They has took down the notice;
E) They can took down the notice.
Вопрос 821
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
People must hang in their weapons
A) Weapons must handed in ;
B) People must be hang in their weapons;
C) Weapons must be handed in ;
D) People must to hang in their weapons;
E) People must handed in their weapons.
Вопрос 822
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
People often take him for his brother.
A) He was often taken to his brother;
B) He has often taken to his brother;
C) He is often taken to his brother;
D) He have often taken to his brother;
E) He was often take to his brother;
Вопрос 823
Put the sentence in Active voice into Passive.
The crowd shouted him down.
A) He have shouted down;
B) He has shouted down;
C) He was shouted down;
D) He was shout down;
E) He is shouted down.
Вопрос 824
Choose the correct form of the verb.
Things …. from the house.
A) have stolen;
B) are steal;
C) were stolen;
D) stolen;
E) has been stolen.
Вопрос 825
His clothes ... usually very cheap, but he is actually well-off.
A) are;
B) is;
C) was;
D) were;
E) to be.
Вопрос 826
We ... friends with Oleg in childhood.
A) did;
B) took;
C) made;
D) called;
E) began.
Вопрос 827
The concert usually ... about 3 hours.
A) begins;
B) starts;
C) lasts;
D) finishes;
E) continues.
Вопрос 828
Shame on you. Why you don’t ... classes.
A) miss;
B) go;
C) attend;
D) visit;
E) show.
Вопрос 829
Choose the correct variant.
A) I not usually have lunch at home;
B) I usually have not lunch at home;
C) I doesn’t usually have lunch at home;
D) I usually have lunch at home;
E) I haven’t have lunch at home.
Вопрос 830
Choose the correct variant
A) Do his father drive a car very fast?
B) Is his father drive a car very fast?
C) Does his father drive a car very fast?
D) Do his father drive a car very fast?
E) Have his father drive a car very fast?
Вопрос 831
Choose the correct variant
A) Do the shops close at 8 o’clock in the morning?
B) Does the shops close at 8 o’clock in the morning?
C) Do the shops closes at 8 o’clock in the morning?
D) Are the shops close at 8 o’clock in the morning?
E) Is the shops close at 8 o’clock in the morning?
Вопрос 832
Choose the correct variant
A) You often play basketball?
B) Do you often play basketball?
C) Is you often play basketball?
D) Are you often play basketball?
E) You does often play basketball?
Вопрос 833
Choose the correct variant
A) How you often play basketball?
B) How do you often play basketball?
C) How often do play basketball?
D) How often do you play basketball?
E) How play you often basketball?
Вопрос 834
Choose the correct variant
A) She come home early;
B) She not comes home early;
C) She don’t come home early;
D) She come home early;
E) She doesn’t come home early.
Вопрос 835
Choose the correct variant
A) Why doesn’t you come to the youth club?
B) Why you not come to the youth club?
C) Why not you come to the youth club?
D) Why don’t you come to the youth club?
E) Why isn’t come you to the youth club?
Вопрос 836
Choose the correct variant
A) My brother never waits for us;
B) My brother doesn’t never wait for us;
C) My brother don’t ever wait for us;
D) My brother does never wait for us;
E) My brother never has wait for us.
Вопрос 837
Choose the correct variant
A) We always go abroad for our holidays;
B) Always we go abroad for our holidays;
C) We go always abroad for our holidays;
D) We go abroad always for our holidays;
E) We are always go abroad for our holidays.
Вопрос 838
Choose the correct variant
A) Does Sandra always get up early in the morning;
B) Does Sandra get up early always in the morning;
C) Does Sandra get up always in the morning early;
D) Does Sandra get up always early in the morning;
E) Do Sandra always get up early in the morning.
Вопрос 839
Choose the correct variant
A) When next year do you start at the university?
B) When at the university do you start next year?
C) When do start you at the university next year?
D) When do you start at the university next year?
E) When next year do at the university you start?
Вопрос 840
Choose the correct variant
A) We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t go very often there;
B) We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t very often go there;
C) We enjoy the theatre, but very often we don’t go there;
D) We enjoy the theatre, but we aren’t go very often there;
E) We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t go there very often.
Вопрос 841
Choose the correct variant
A) How much does cost it for the return ticket?
B) How much for the return ticket does it cost ?
C) How much does it cost for the return ticket?
D) How does much it cost for the return ticket?
E) How much do cost it for the return ticket?
Вопрос 842
Choose the correct variant
A) They don’t often phone my mother in London;
B) They often don’t phone my mother in London;
C) They don’t phone my mother in London often;
D) They don’t often phoned my mother in London;
E) They don’t phone my mother often in London.
Вопрос 843
Choose the correct variant
A) The next train leaves in the morning at two fifteen;
B) The next train leave in the morning at two fifteen;
C) The next train leaved in the morning at two fifteen;
D) The next train leaving in the morning at two fifteen;
E) The next train are leaving in the morning at two fifteen.
Вопрос 844
Choose the correct variant
A) What is the girl doing now?
B) What the girl is doing now?
C) What doing the girl now?
D) What is the girl doing now?
E) What does the girl doing now?
Вопрос 845
Choose the correct variant
A) What those people are looking for?
B) What are those people looking for?
C) What is those people looking for?
D) What do those people looking for?
E) What do those people are looking for?
Вопрос 846
Choose the correct variant
A) who’re shouting at the dog?
B) who’s shouting at the dog?
C) who shouting at the dog?
D) who does shouting at the dog?
E) who’ve shouting at the dog?
Вопрос 847
Choose the correct variant
A) Do the children are listening to the teacher?
B) Are listening the children to the teacher?
C) Is the children are listening to the teacher?
D) Are the children listening to the teacher?
E) Have the children are listening to the teacher?
Вопрос 848
Choose the correct variant
A) When you are going to have a meal?
B) When do you going to have a meal?
C) When are you going to have a meal?
D) When going you to have a meal?
E) When to have a meal you are going ?
Вопрос 849
Choose the correct variant
A) How do many students sitting on the stairs?
B) How many students are sitting on the stairs?
C) How many are sitting on the stairs students?
D) How many is sitting students on the stairs?
E) How do many students sitting are on the stairs?
Вопрос 850
Choose the correct variant
A) Why do they looking at me like that?
B) Why is they looking at me like that?
C) Why are they looking at me like that?
D) Why have they looking at me like that?
E) Why they are looking at me like that?
Вопрос 851
Choose the correct variant
A) The cat isn’t hiding from the dog, isn’t it?
B) The cat hiding from the dog, isn’t it?
C) The cat is hiding from the dog, doesn’t it?
D) The cat is hiding from the dog, isn’t it?
E) The cat aren’t hiding from the dog, aren’t it?
Вопрос 852
Choose the correct variant
A) Is the girl speaking rudely or politely?
B) Are the girl speaking rudely or politely?
C) Does the girl speaking rudely or politely?
D) The girl is speaking rudely or politely isn’t she?
E) Has the girl speaking rudely or politely?
Вопрос 853
Choose the correct variant
A) The policeman is pointing at the dog;
B) The policeman haven’t pointing at the dog;
C) The policeman are pointing at the dog;
D) The policeman doesn’t pointing at the dog;
E) The policeman hasn’t pointing at the dog.
"Вопрос 854
Choose the correct variant
A) It doesn’t not raining now;
B) It isn’t rain now;
C) It’s not raining now;
D) It doesn’t raining now;
E) It is doesn’t not raining now.
Вопрос 855
Choose the correct variant
A) Mrs. Bell is no buying for her children ice-cream;
B) Mrs. Bell is buy for her children ice-cream;
C) Mrs. Bell buying for her children ice-cream;
D) Mrs. Bell is buying for her children ice-cream;
E) Mrs. Bell no buying for her children ice-cream is.
Вопрос 856
Choose the correct variant
A) The students aren’t drawing nothing;
B) The students are drawing nothing;
C) The students drawing nothing;
D) The students don’t drawing nothing;
E) The students isn’t drawing nothing.
Вопрос 857
Choose the correct variant
A) John’s having a ride;
B) John has having a ride;
C) John having no ride;
D) John is have no ride;
E) John’s has a ride.
Вопрос 858
Choose the correct variant
A) Why they not cleaning the window?
B) Why aren’t they cleaning the window?
C) Why they aren’t they cleaning the window?
D) Why don’t they cleaning the window?
E) Why they cleaning not the window?
Вопрос 859
Choose the correct variant
A) Did Bill at home last night?
B) Did Bill was at home last night?
C) Was Bill at home last night?
D) Did Bill be at home last night?
E) Were Bill at home last night?
Вопрос 860
Choose the correct variant
A) Who did be at home last night?
B) Who was at home last night?
C) Who did at home last night?
D) Who did was at home last night?
E) Who be at home last night?
Вопрос 861
Choose the correct variant
A) When did Bill at home?
B) When did Bill was at home?
C) When was Bill at home?
D) When did Bill be at home?
E) When Bill did be at home?
Вопрос 862
Choose the correct variant
A) Who cleaned clothes last night?
B) Who did cleaned clothes last night?
C) Who was cleaned clothes last night?
D) Who did clean clothes last night?
E) Who clean clothes last night?
Вопрос 863
Choose the correct variant
A) When Bill cleaned his clothes?
B) When did Bill cleaned his clothes?
C) When was Bill cleaned his clothes?
D) When did Bill clean his clothes?
E) When Bill clean his clothes?
Вопрос 864
Choose the correct variant
A) What he did first?
B) What was he do first?
C) What was he did first?
D) What did he do first?
E) What he do first?
Вопрос 865
Choose the correct variant
A) Where he put them?
B) Where was he put them?
C) Where he was put them?
D) Where did he put them?
E) Where put he them?
Вопрос 866
She (to learn) French and German two years ago.
A) lernt;
B) is learnt;
C) learnt;
D) was learnt;
E) were learnt.
We (to keep) our car in the garage last winter.
A) were kept
B) kepted;
C) was kept;
D) kept;
E) is kept.
They often (to make) mistakes lаst lesson.
A) made;
B) maked;
C) had make;
D) was made;
E) were made.
Вопрос 869
When I lived with my parents I (to help) my mother about the house.
A) help;
B) helpt;
C) was helped;
D) helps;
E) helped.
Вопрос 870
They (not to do) their shopping every day last year.
A) do not do;
B) did not do;
C) does not do;
D) not did;
E) did not to do.
Вопрос 871
We (to go) to the university by metro yesterday.
A) go;
B) gone;
C) goes;
D) went;
E) did go.
Вопрос 872
The classes (to begin) at 8 yesterday.
A) begined;
B) begun;
C) began;
D) begint;
E) begand.
Вопрос 873
I (to stay) at school yesterday.
A) was stay;
B) stay;
C) stayed;
D) were stay;
E) stayd.
Вопрос 874
It often (to rain) last October.
A) raint;
B) raind;
C) rain;
D) rains;
E) rained.
Tom (to get) excellent marks in English yesterday.
A) got;
B) getted;
C) get;
D) gott;
E) was got.
Вопрос 876
It often ( to rain) in autumn and spring last year.
A) rainet;
B) rain;
C) raint;
D) rained;
E) raned.
Вопрос 877
Yesterday the boys (to spend) their free time on the bank of the river.
A) spent;
B) spend;
C) spended;
D) spented;
E) spond.
Вопрос 878
She (to studiy) English hard at school.
A) study;
B) studied;
C) studed;
D) studing;
E) will study.
Вопрос 879
Yesterday he (not to eat) breakfast because he (to get) up late.
A) didn’t ate, get;
B) didn’t ate, got;
C) didn’t eat, get;
D) didn’t eat, got;
E) don’t eat, got.
Вопрос 880
I (to read) books yesterday.
A) will read;
B) readed;
C) read;
D) was read;
E) were read.
Вопрос 881
I (to write) a lot of letters yesterday.
A) was write;
B) write;
C) written;
D) will write;
E) wrote.
"Вопрос 882
I (to go) to the library and (to take) a book yesterday.
A) went, took;
B) went, take;
C) go, took;
D) go, take;
E) gone, taken.
Вопрос 883
Вчера я написала письмо маме.
A) Yesterday I wrote a letter to my mom;
B) Yesterday I write a letter to my mom;
C) Yesterday I written a letter to my mom;
D) Yesterday I writed a letter to my mom;
E) Yesterday I will write a letter to my mom.
Вопрос 884
Two weeks ago I (to go)to London to see a friend of mine.
A) gone;
B) went;
C) goes;
D) go;
E) goed.
Вопрос 885
This house (to cost) 35.000$ in 1980.
A) cosed;
B) costed;
C) cost;
D) coset;
E) cose.
Вопрос 886
I was angry because Tom and Ann (to be) late.
A) are;
B) were;
C) is;
D) was;
E) am.
Вопрос 887
Ann: Did you go out last night, Tom?
Tom: Yes, I (to go) to the cinema. But I didn’t enjoy the film.
A) goes;
B) gone;
C) go;
D) went;
E) got.

Вопрос 888
When … Mr Edward’s …?
A) do, die;
B) did, die;
C) did, died;
D) does, die;
E) was, die.
Вопрос 889
What you (do) at the last week–end?
A) do,do;
B) did,do;
C) has,done;
D) is done;
E) was done.
Вопрос 890
We didn’t invite her to the party, so she (not to come) come.
A) did not come
B) not came
C) is not coming
D) are coming
E) will come
Вопрос 891
Tom (to arrive)?-Not yet.
A) have arrived;
B) has arrived;
C) is arrived;
D) are arrived;
E) arrives.
Вопрос 892
I didn’t have enough money (to buy) anything to eat.
A) to buy
B) is bought
C) was bought
D) are bought
E) has bought
Вопрос 893
These crazy scientists (to find) treasures on Antarctica.
A) founded;
B) found;
C) find;
D) finded;
E) fond.
Вопрос 894
Look what a fashionable blouse I (to buy). – Well, I (to wear) such blouse about two seasons ago.
A) buy, wear;
B) bought, worn;
C) buy, wore;
D) bought, wear;
E) have bought, wore.
Вопрос 895
I (to have) be there right in time, but I was late as usual.
A) have to;
B) had;
C) have;
D) has to;
E) had to.
Вопрос 896
I (to fly) from one continent to another last summer.
A) flew;
B) flow;
C) flown;
D) flied;
E) flyed.
Вопрос 897
I accidentally (to cut) my leg yesterday.
A) cutted;
B) cat;
C) cuted;
D) cut;
E) cute.
Вопрос 898
Find a mistake: I founded (1) myself in a desert (2) completely (3) exhausted (4) and without any water in a bottle (5).
A) 2;
B) 3;
C) 1;
D) 5;
E) 4.
Вопрос 899
She (to be)in America two years ago.
A) are;
B) were;
C) is;
D) was;
E) am.
Вопрос 900
Tom (to live) in Africa five years ago. .
A) lifted;
B) lived;
C) lives;
D) live;
E) life.
Вопрос 901
They (to move) Moscow ten years ago.
A) move;
B) is moved;
C) has moved;
D) moves;
E) moved.
Вопрос 902
Ann (to visit) London two years ago.
A) has visited;
B) visits;
C) visited;
D) are visited;
E) visit.
Вопрос 903
Jane and Tom (to marry) two years ago.
A) married;
B) has maried;
C) are married;
D) marries;
E) marry.
Вопрос 904
Mike (to swim) in the river every day.
A) swam;
B) swum;
C) swim;
D) are swum;
E) swims.
Вопрос 905
The music at the party (to be) very loud and could be heard from far away.
A) are;
B) were;
C) am;
D) was;
E) be.
Вопрос 906
They (to be glad) to meet him yesterday
A) am;
B) was;
C) are;
D) is;
E) were.
Вопрос 907
Tom: Look! It’s raining again.
Ann: Oh no, not again. It (to rain) all day yesterday too.
A) is rained;
B) rains;
C) rained;
D) are rained;
E) rain.
Вопрос 908
I (to enjoy) the last party very much.
A) are enjoyed;
B) is enjoyed;
C) enjoyed;
D) enjoyes;
E) has enjoyed.
Вопрос 909
Mr Edward’s (to die) ten years ago.
A) dies;
B) died;
C) is died;
D) has died;
E) die.
Вопрос 910
When I lived in Manchester, I (to work) in a bank.
A) work;
B) works;
C) is worked;
D) worked;
E) has worked.
Вопрос 911
We (to invite) them to our party but they decided not to come.
A) invited;
B) invites;
C) had invited;
D) invite;
E) was invited.
"Вопрос 912
I was watching TV when my father (to come) back from work.
A) went;
B) come;
C) has come;
D) comed;
E) came.
Вопрос 913
Listen, John! Who (to be) with you at yesterday’s party? – It (to be) my new girlfriend.
A) was, were;
B) was, was;
C) were, was;
D) were, were;
E) had been, had been.
Вопрос 914
Bank of New York (to deal) with Halyk Bank last year, didn’t it?
A) did deal;
B) dealed;
C) dealt;
D) was dealing;
E) has dealt.
Вопрос 915
I (to make) up my mind not to visit training courses any more.
A) was making;
B) has made;
C) makes;
D) made;
E) make.
Вопрос 916
The speech of our President (to awake) us to the sense of patriotism and duty.
A) awoken;
B) awaked;
C) awoke;
D) has awoken;
E) are awoken.
Вопрос 917 I (to understand) clearly what the teacher was explaining yesterday.
A) is understood;
B) understand;
C) had understood;
D) have understood;
E) understood.
Вопрос 918
I (to go) to a basketball match last Friday.
A) went;
B) gone;
C) had gone;
D) was going;
E) have gone.
Вопрос 919
This guy (to begin) using drugs several years ago. Now he is a finished man.
A) begun;
B) began;
C) is begun;
D) has begun;
E) begins.
Вопрос 920
We (to send) him a letter last week but he hasn’t answered us yet.
A) send;
B) sent;
C) were sending;
D) have sent ;
E) sand.
Вопрос 921
He owes me because I (to do) him a great favor.
A) were doing;
B) do;
C) done;
D) did;
E) was doing.
Вопрос 922
I (to speak) to him last evening and he promised to come.
A) speaked;
B) spoken;
C) spoke;
D) speak ;
E) spoks.
Вопрос 923
Have you seen my papers? – I guess I (to throw) them away.
A) had thrown;
B) is thrown;
C) thrown;
D) throw;
E) threw.
Вопрос 924
Whom do you think I (to see) yesterday? – Tell me the truth I don’t know.
A) saw;
B) sew;
C) seed;
D) seen;
E) had seen.
Вопрос 925
Can I wear your pink T-shirt? – I (to sell) it on a Christmas Sale.
A) sold;
B) seld;
C) is sold;
D) sell;
E) sells.
Look! What a fashionable jeans I (to buy).
A) are bought;
B) bought;
C) buys;
D) have bought;
E) buy.
She (to break) this vase yesterday and today it appeared to be glued.
A) has broken;
B) break;
C) have broken;
D) broke;
E) haden broken.
Two years ago we (to be) students.
A) be;
B) was;
C) are;
D) been;
E) were.
Вопрос 929
We (live) in Moscow for five years.
A) lives;
B) live;
C) lived;
D) have been living;
E) were live;
Вопрос 930
When I (to be) student, I sometimes (stay) after classes (to play) volleyball.
A) were, stayed, to play;
B) was, stayed, play;
C) was, stayed, played;
D) was, stayed, to play;
E) was, stay, to play.
Вопрос 931
Ann (translate) a lot of foreign letters at the office last week.
A) translates;
B) translate;
C) translated;
D) will translate;
E) translating;
Вопрос 932
(To do) you (play) volleyball every week-end?
A) do, play;
B) did, play;
C) did, played;
D) does, play;
E) done, played;
Вопрос 933
A week ago my friend (come) to Moscow from Leningrad.
A) came;
B) come;
C) comes;
D) comed;
E) will come;
Вопрос 934
Yesterday (to be) my day off.
A) be;
B) were;
C) are;
D) been;
E) was;
Вопрос 935
I (to get) up at 8 o’clock yesterday.
A) gets;
B) get;
C) got;
D) gotten;
E) will get;
Вопрос 936
When you (to have) breakfast yesterday?
A) did…have;
B) have;
C) has;
D) had;
E) do…had;
Вопрос 937
Mr Smith (to fix) his car yesterday morning.
A) were fix;
B) fix;
C) was fix;
D) fixed;
E) fax;
Вопрос 938
Yesterday I (to get up) very early.
A) will get up;
B) get up;
C) gets up;
D) got up;
E) gotten up.
Вопрос 939
I (to go) to the bathroom and ( to wash ) my hands.
A) went, wash;
B) went, washed;
C) go, washed;
D) go, wash;
E) gone, washed;
Вопрос 940
Yesterday I (to have) breakfast with my son.
A) was having;
B) have;
C) has;
D) will have;
E) had.
Вопрос 941
I (no to drink) tea,I prefer milk .
A) don’t drunk;
B) don’t drink;
C) didn’t drink;
D) didn’t drank;
E) didn’t drunk;
Вопрос 942
Yesterday I (to drink) coffee.
A) drink;
B) drank;
C) drunk;
D) drinks;
E) are drunk;
Вопрос 943
I (to leave) home with my son.
A) left;
B) leaved;
C) leaves;
D) has left;
E) was left;
Вопрос 944
Yesterday in the evening I (to be) at home.
A) am;
B) were;
C) will be;
D) was;
E) been;
Вопрос 945
They (walk) very quickly to be in time.
A) walked;
B) walk;
C) walks;
D) will walk;
E) was walk.
"Вопрос 946
If I studied hard, I would … the test yesterday.
A) Be passed;
B) Had passed;
C) Passed;
D) Have passed;
E) Pass.

Вопрос 947
They are sure that nobody (to arrive) on Sunday if the weather (to be) bad.
A) Had arrived/will be;
B) Has arrived/is;
C) Will arrive/is;
D) Would arrive/was;
E) Arrived/would be.
Вопрос 948
Nobody (to expect) that the expedition (to be found).
A) Is expected/will find;
B) Expected/would be found;
C) Expect/would find;
D) Expected/will be found;
E) Expects/had found.
Вопрос 949
Choose correct variant
А) I would like to join the party;
B) I would to join the party;
C) I would to like to join the party;
D) I would to be like to join the party;
E) I would has liked to join the party.
Вопрос 950
Choose correct variant
A) Will you promise to step on your toes if I not dance with me?
B) Will you promise not dance with me if I step on to your toes?
C) If I promise not to step on your toes you will dance with me?
D) Will you dance with me if I promise not to step on your toes?
E) Will you dance with me if I promise not step on to your toes?
Вопрос 951
Could you speak…, I can not catch you?
A) More slow;
B) Most slowly;
C) Slowliest;
D) More slowly;
E) Many slowly.
Вопрос 952
What film (to be) on now?
A) is;
B) were;
C) are;
D) had been;
E) was.
Вопрос 953
What a boring film! It is the most boring film I ...ever ... .
A) have...seen;
B) is...seen;
C) are...seen;
D) will...seen;
E) has...seen.
Вопрос 954
Find right question
You wish to know if your friend can lend you money.
A) Could you lend me some money?
B) You can borrow me money, can you?
C) You can lent me money?
D) Can you to lend me money?
E) Can you lent me money?
Вопрос 955
We will be late, if you do not drive a bit…
A) Fastly;
B) More quick;
C) More fast;
D) Fast;
E) Faster.
Вопрос 956
If the letter… in English he will easily translate it without a dictionary.
A) Writes;
B) Is written;
C) Will write;
D) Wrote;
E) Will be written.
Вопрос 957
If a marriage finishes, you get…
A) Children;
B) Alone;
C) A family;
D) Divorced;
E) A ticket.
Вопрос 958
The plants will grow better if…
A) You water them regularly;
B) The sun will shine brightly;
C) You will take care of them;
D) It will not be snowing;
E) It will be a fine weather.
Вопрос 959
We… for the examination if I had known that it would be so difficult.
A) Had entered;
B) Did not have;
C) Could have entered;
D) Would be entering;
E) Would not have entered.
Вопрос 960
If you look carefully, you… find writing scratched on the glass.
A) Can;
B) Are going to;
C) Shall;
D) Will;
E) Shall not.
Вопрос 961
You… mad if you think I am going to lend you any more money.
A) Should be;
B) Are supposed to be;
C) Must be;
D) Ought to be;
E) Must not be.
Вопрос 962
If I had not come along at that moment, Jim… the one arrested instead of the real thief.
A) Might have been;
B) May have been;
C) Can have been;
D) Could have been;
E) Should have been.
Вопрос 963
He … it if he tried.
A) Can do;
B) Could do;
C) Could be done;
D) Could been done;
E) Could doing.
Вопрос 964
If you… so much noise,I… able to sleep.
A) Make, will not be;
B) Will make,will be;
C) Will make, am;
D) Will not make, will be;
E) Will make, be.
Вопрос 965
If I… in your shoes, I… her.
A) Was,help;
B) Were help;
C) Were,would have helped;
D) Shall be,would have helped;
E) Was, will help.
Вопрос 966
I thought that he… her that he… to go to the Crimea.
A) Will tell, intended;
B) Would tell, intended;
C) Would tell, intends;
D) Would tell, has intended;
E) Would tell, had intended.
Вопрос 967
If it …, we … go to the country.
A) Will rain, shall not;
B) Rains, shall not;
C) Rained, shall;
D) Will rain, will;
E) Rains, shall.
Вопрос 968
If he… to Moscow he… sightseeing.
A) Will go… will go;
B) Goes… will go;
C) Has… will go;
D) Will have…will go;
E) Had… will go.

Вопрос 969
If she… time then,she… to the theatre.
A) Had…would go;
B) Has… will go;
C) Will have…will go;
D) Shall have…shall go;
E) Do have…will go.
Вопрос 970
If I… about it, I… them.
A) Shall know… visit;
B) Shall know… shall visit;
C) Knew… should visit;
D) Should know… visit;
E) Would know… visit.
Вопрос 971
If he… time yesterday, he… the film.
A) Had had… would have seen;
B) Had… would see;
C) Would have… would see;
D) Had have… will see;
E) Will have… would see.
Вопрос 972
If it… last Monday, they… to the park.
A) Had not rained… would have gone;
B) Did not rain… will go;
C) Would not rained… would go;
D) Do rained… will go;
E) Did rained… will not go.
Вопрос 973
I wish he … here.
A) Were;
B) Was;
C) Is;
D) Are;
E) Was not.
Вопрос 974
I wish you… earlier.
A) Come;
B) Had come;
C) Came;
D) Have come;
E) Comes.
Вопрос 975
If he … here he would do this work.
A) Was;
B) Is;
C) Were;
D) Been;
E) Are.
Вопрос 976
He ran as if he… a sportsman.
A) Was;
B) Is;
C) Were;
D) Been;
E) Are.
Вопрос 977
She spoke as if she… the problem.
A) Knew;
B) Know;
C) Had known;
D) Have known;
E) Has known.
"Вопрос 978
They suggested that the work… next week.
A) Would be done;
B) Will be done;
C) Will have done;
D) Will have being;
E) Shall be done.
Вопрос 979
It is important that they… at work at seven o clock.
A) Were;
B) Should be;
C) Are;
D) Been;
E) Being.
Вопрос 980
He speaks as if he… his lesson.
A) Knows;
B) Known;
C) Knew;
D) Is known;
E) Are known.
Вопрос 981
I wish I…
A) Can swim;
B) Can swam;
C) Could swim;
D) Have to swim;
E) Are swim.
Вопрос 982
The teacher ordered that the text… immediately.
A) Should be translated;
B) Was translated;
C) Will translated;
D) Will be translated;
E) Is translated.
Вопрос 983
It was necessary that they… there in time.
A) Would go;
B) Gone;
C) Went;
D) Going;
E) Are going.
Вопрос 984
She wished now she… the bag.
A) Had forgotten;
B) Forgot;
C) Have forgotten;
D) Forgoted;
E) Forget.
Вопрос 985
If only he … free!
A) Was;
B) Be;
C) Were;
D) Being;
E) Be not.
Вопрос 986
Success… you!
A) Attend;
B) Attends;
C) Be attended;
D) Was attended;
E) Were attended.
Вопрос 987
If she… not so absent-minded, she… her keys.
A) Was… will not have lost;
B) Be… would not lose;
C) Were… would not have lost;
D) Is… would not have lost;
E) Are… would be not.
Вопрос 988
We wish our exams … over.
A) Were;
B) Are;
C) Be;
D) Is;
E) Was.
Вопрос 989
It is difficult to get there by bus. I wish I … a car.
A) Have;
B) Had;
C) Has;
D) Having;
E) Have to.
Вопрос 990
Sue is taking her English test tomorrow, but she does not know grammar well enough. She wishes she … it better.
A) Learns;
B) Learnt;
C) Had learnt;
D) Have learnt;
E) Learning.

Вопрос 991
Dad is angry with you.
I am sorry. I wish I … those offensive words;
A) Did not say;
B) Had not said;
C) Have said;
D) Has said;
E) Having said.
Вопрос 992
We had a wonderful holiday in France. I wish we … there again next summer.
A) Will go;
B) Go;
C) Went;
D) Would go;
E) Shall go.
Вопрос 993
Will your sister come to the party? I wish she… some of my friends.
A) Would meet;
B) Meet;
C) Meets;
D) Have met;
E) Had met.
Вопрос 994
Mag`s lost her key. She wished … so careless.
A) Was not;
B) Were not;
C) Had not been;
D) Have not be;
E) Is not been.
Вопрос 995
I wish … I so much money. Now I have to borrow some from my parents.
A) Had not spent;
B) Did not spent;
C) Have not spent;
D) Is not spent;
E) Has not spent.
Вопрос 996
Terry had a terribly headache yesterday. He wished he …less at the party.
A) Drank;
B) Had Drunk;
C) Are drunk;
D) Be drunk;
E) Have drunk.
Вопрос 997
Sarah looks upset. Her husband wishes she … about their son s troubles.
A) Did not worry;
B) Does not worry;
C) Do not worry;
D) Be not worry;
E) Are not worry.
Вопрос 998
I am hungry. I wish it … time for lunch.
A) Is;
B) Was;
C) Were;
D) Are;
E) Be.
Вопрос 999
The cake was so delicious,but I wish there ... so much fat in it.
A) is not;
B) Had not been;
C) Was not;
D) Are not;
E) Be not.
Вопрос 1000
Are you going to the seaside alone?
I wish my friends… to me.
A) Would come;
B) Come;
C) Came;
D) Will come;
E) Shall come.

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